Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Two More Days At Oktoberfest

Believe it or not, I actually have done some things beside drink while in Munich. We went for lunch in the MarienPlatz, which is kind of like a nice shopping street in Munich where everything is closed on Sundays. They also have three H&M stores within a one block radius. I honestly could not figure out the differences between the stores. Zee crazy germans!

On Monday we took the train out to Dachau, which is the suburb of Munich where the memorial for the concentration camps is. Fortunately for myself, I was spared immense depression and loathing at the human race due to the fact that the grounds are closed on Mondays. Who the hell doesn't work on a Monday? So, that was kind of shitty ... that is, until I was fortunate enough to find an ice cream shop with the best gelato I have ever tasted. It was fantastic. Stupendous. Outrageous. Basically, it was good.

But enough of the boring stuff. Back to Oktoberfest. So on both Sunday and Monday evenings we went back to the Oktoberfest grounds and consumed a little bit more than 4 litres of beer (on the grounds only) per night. As I seem to be running out of internet time, I'll try to give a brief recap of each night.

Sunday Night

We get to the fair grounds and notice that it is substantially less crazy than opening night. However, what I do begin to notice is how many hot girls there are. I must confess that I do believe that I am developing a fetish for girls dressed in traditional german dresses. Let's just say that it definitely "puts it all out there". So we begin our festivities in a beer garden and then proceed to move inside a tent once we hear "Hey Jude" being played. I'm not going to lie. I'm digging Bryan Adams over the Beatles at Oktoberfest. Maybe it's just because I know the words.

And just like that, my prayers are answered. Summer of '69 starts playing. Holy crap! There must be some sort of crazy Bavarian Oktoberfest playlist that these bands are playing through. If so, I am so buying the CD. So basically, the rest of the night consists of us dancing on tables and singing along to old rock tunes. Pretty good night. Until we find out that they stop serving beer at 10:30pm! What the hell? Who ends a party before midnight?

Being the resourceful chaps that we are, we proceed to wander the streets of Munich in an attempt to find these really cool bar that I had heard about. No dice. We end up being drunk and lost. Although, I will admit it to be one of my finer moments when I throw the European equivalent of a quarter into a Porche Carrera convertible and tell the owner to buy himself a nice car. I'm classy when I'm drunk. Eventually, we find another bar and convince the bartender to serve us one last drink, even though they're closing down. The beer was excellent, as was the night.

Monday Night

Let me just start off by saying that I have this belief that the girls get hotter and hotter as the festival goes on at Oktoberfest. On Monday night, they were unbelievable! And I hadn't even had anything to drink yet!

Of course, we were on a far more important mission than to simply sit back and admire the surpising beauty of Bavarian women. No, we were on a mission to experience Oktoberfest. So, for the first part of the night, we went from tent to tent. There are 14 tents in all, so we felt that having a litre of beer in each one may be overly ambitious. So we had to settle with pictures and videos. Still, it was awesome to see the diversity of the crowds and the different party atomosphere in each tent.

Now comes the fun part. We go to a tent that we had wanted to go to since the first night and ask these old German guys if we can sit and drink with them. They say the German equivalent to "hell's yeah" and we begin to party. It turns out that one of the guys is 84 years old! And he's on his third stein! When I'm that old, I definitely want to still be drinking at Oktoberfest. The fun part about this was that these guys barely spoke English and our German is non-existent. So after some illuminating conversation on the finer points of German drinking songs and what makes a woman beautiful, we were off to meet some different people!

We ended up on the inside of the tent, drawn by the call of Bryan Adams yet again. We ended up talking to these banking consultants who had come to drink with their boss after work. Remember, this was a Monday night. We talked to them about the World Cup in Germany, hockey, soccer and even Dirk Nowitzki. So mainly sports and beer and working. German people are funny. Then I found out that one of the girls spoke around a dozen languages, inluding Arabic and Chinese. I then proceeded to try and have a conversation in Chinese with her. That's right, I was yammering on in Chinese at Oktoberfest in Munich. Awesome.

We ended the night with some grezsy pizza and another beer on a patio bar. It was a good night.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Buying Stuff For People

Forgot to add this in the last post.

So I did a little bit of research and found out that Laderhosen are really expensive. When I was looking in the German equivalent of HBC, they looked to be about 200 Euros. Qu'est ce que fuck? Yeah, so I don't think I'll be picking any of those up for people. I'll keep looking to see if I can get something for cheaper.

In terms of beer steins, I've tried to steal my fare share. Mostly, because I don't know where you can buy them from the brewery. I want to get real brewery ones instead of the ones they sell in the souvenier shops. Anyways ... yeah. Steins aren't a problem.

The First Night

I have just had the most amazing past couple of days. First of all, I just want to apologize for not being able to get otu and post earlier. The computer at our first hotel in Munich was all messed up and wouldn't let me log on to BlogSpot for some reason. Whatever.

So the first night, we arrive in Munich a little bit late thanks to some wonderful Air Canada stupidity. Some "maintenance" problem in Toronto caused us to missed our connector. We were then forced to run around the Frankfurt airport in search of our connecting flight. It was all well and good to do some running at 4am Toronto time to wake us up. The uncool part was getting felt up by the overzealous securitz guards at the Frankfurt airport. A word to the wise ... they dont just frisk. They grope.

So anyways, due to our late arrival we kind of miss any chance of catching the ceremony where the mayor taps the first keg. The truth of the matter is that we probably wouldn't have made it in that tent anyways. I was talking to a guy from Vegas and he was saying that he got to the tent at 8am and had trouble getting in. They dont even serve beer until noon! These Germans are crazy eager.

The rest of the day went like this - (1) checked into the hotel, (2) ate McDonald's ... we're so adventurous for our first meal, (3) buy huge bottles of water for when we stumble back to the hotel, (4) go to the Oktoberfest grounds.

The Oktoberfest grounds are CRAZY!!! It was utter insanity the amount of people there. And there's not just drinking tents. It's actually more like an amusement park with rides, midway and copious amounts of booze. Booyeah. There is one or two huge rows that have the beer tents on them, then another row that is stricktly non-beer alcohol. Like schnapps. Or champagne. Or wine. Who the hell goes to Oktoberfest and drinks wine?

So there are thousands of people in the tents, thousands waiting outside of the tents to get in (it is opening day) and we're kind of bummed because we have gone around to a couple tents and dont even know the protocol on how we get in. That and some Germans are really rude and pushy when they want booze. So we're standing outside the Paulager tent when our new friend Jason gets approached by some random dude asking if we want to get in. Jason drop his line pretending he works for Playboy magazine and we are in. It was like going from famine to feast!

Honestly, when we walked into the tent, it was surreal! It was humid as hell, so when you walk in you can actually feel the party. That and sweatiness. Our random dude brings us to a table that is right in front of the band. Literally, thousands of people are standing on benches and tables and singing along to some old American rock songs. Fucking rules. We get our litres of beer and start dancing. (FYI, I'm averaging 4 litres a night. That doesnt even include the day drinking).

So this probably can't get any better right? They start playing Bryan Adams. I shit you not. So this group of 6 Canadians starts fucking screaming the song and dancing on the table. Good times.

I will be posting pictures when I get back. Unfortunately, on the first night Jeff broke his camera. He doesnt remember how he did it. My guess is that he probablz dropped it into a litre of beer. Either that or some fraurlien he was talking to broke it. But we still have pictures somehow. And video.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Adventure Begins

Okay, so I'm off to Europe! And as we have the Promo Awards tomorrow night and I expect to be properly shitfaced (in training for Oktoberfest, of course), I had to pack tonight. Due to the fact that this trip consists of two guys treking to Munich and Prague, we decided that it would be a good idea to pack carry-on only.

I'm a guy, so I don't really need to bring that much stuff (like countless pairs of shoes, *ahem* Nadia), so I could fit everything I need into one of those tiny rolling carry-on suitcases. What baffles me is how I am going to bring all of the beer steins, boots, hats and lader-hosen back with only a small suitcase. Whatever.

Hell's yeah. That's going to be me in three days.

Which brings me to the purpose of this site. Although, I would love to believe that everyone would miss me so much that they would constantly check up to make sure that I'm having a good time, I know that it isn't true.

This is mostly a forum for people from the studio to tell me what they want when I'm over there. I will try to accomodate everyone's orders as best as I can, but given the limited packing space and my state of memory from being at Oktoberfest, it may not be possible. I may also run out of money by then.

PS. To all of you creatives reading this, please don't judge me by my "push-button publishing template". If you do, you're sour kraut. Hahaha... that's funny. Not really.